Articles by Anne-Claire Dalmont

Jobs search

Working in a Call Centre, the Ideal Job to Make Ends Meet

Flexible hours, attractive salaries, reduced drudgery – working in a call centre has several advantages for people looking for extra income. Adapted schedules Whether you want to work part time or full time, the main advantage of working in a call centre is the time flexibility that it offers. For Ernst, a 25-year-old student who […]


Brown-Out: When You Lose Motivation at Work

It’s a new form of work-related depression that may well become more common in the coming years. Brown-out, which literally refers to a “drop in power”, affects more and more workers. But what is this new disorder and what are the symptoms to watch out for? Brown-out must not be confused with burn-out, which describes […]

Career management

Do You Know About Work Sharing?

An overloaded schedule, finding it hard to spend time with your family… Juggling work and family life can sometimes be complicated and affect the morale and even the health of your employees, as is revealed by a study conducted by Quebec’s Institut national de santé publique. Combining the two and achieving equilibrium is still possible, […] network