Job advice


Report on hirings and layoffs – March 2022: employment on the rise again

The employment rate is on the rise again in Canada, according to data from the most recent Labor Force Survey (LFS) from Statistics Canada. After a decline attributable to the fifth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of jobs in Canada increased by 337,000 in February. This increase was mainly observed in the private […]

Career management

4 Facts (or fables) about Professional Job Hopping

Professional job hopping is gaining momentum as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to play its part. And, with the scarcity of labour, many people are tempted to go and see if the grass really is greener elsewhere! 4 Facts (or fables) about Professional Job Hopping   Job hopping is reserved for young people “Professional job hopping […]


Report on hirings and dismissals — February 2022: The employment rate is falling

The employment rate is down in Canada, according to data from Statistics Canada’s most recent Labor Force Survey. While it had increased in recent months, the employment rate finally fell in January 2022. 200,000 jobs were lost, including 117,000 part-time. For the first time since April 2021, the unemployment rate has thus increased. It reached […]

Oddly enough

Suffering from imposter syndrome, a strength at work

Employees who suffer from imposter syndrome could often be more effective, according to a recent study by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) published in October 2021.  Take a look at this amazing find. Fear of not being up to par. Self-doubt. Often exaggerated demands on themselves. No less than 70% of workers suffer from […]


A review of hirings and dismissals – January 2022 – Employment still on the rise

The employment rate is on the rise again in Canada, according to data from Statistics Canada’s most recent Labor Force Survey, released earlier this year. The employment rate increased by 0.3% in December 2021, mainly in the goods sector. More than 123,000 full-time jobs were created, while part-time employment fell by 68,000. According to the […]


Networking in 2022

Distancing, masks, remote meetings: how has networking, based on exchanges and relationships, survived in the last two years? And what will the future hold for it in a post-pandemic world?  People in the community are already taking stock of the effects of the arrival of COVID-19 on networking. And like many areas, all is not […]


A review of hirings and dismissals – December 2021: Employment continues to rise

The employment rate continues to rise in Canada, approaching the statistics posted before the start of the pandemic. Over 153,000 jobs were created in Canada in November, pushing the unemployment rate down to its lowest level since the start of the pandemic, 6.0%. In February 2020, that statistic was 5.7%. Statistics Canada’s most recent Labor […]

Company life

How to create new remote work rituals

How can we create new rituals to strengthen relationships between colleagues in spite of the distance? Interview with Louise-Véronique Sicotte, oral communication and work rituals trainer at UQAM Continuing Education. From a simple toast to the celebration of a wedding, rituals are part of our traditions and allow us to mark the various important stages […]

Oddly enough

Gossip in the workplace: more positive effects than you think

Chatting could take up 52 minutes per day. And experts have established that some gossip could be healthy or even increase productivity, according to several studies reported by the BBC.  Talking about Simon’s baby, Julie’s lunch hanging out in the fridge or Mylène’s overdue assignments piling up, is just one of the guilty little pleasures […]

Rights and labour standards

Has the #MeToo movement really changed anything at the office?

One in four women say they have experienced inappropriate sexual behaviour at work, according to Statistics Canada’s Survey of Sexual Misconduct in the Workplace. The study, released in early August 2021, reveals that harassment is still very much in the workplace, even in the age of the # MeToo movement. Inappropriate comments, dirty jokes, unwanted […]


Managing your remote work schedule: Instruction manual

In March 2020, the work world was turned upside down like never before when the pandemic forced thousands of employees to leave their offices and to set up remote offices at home. Though many said they were much more efficient at home, there was still a major challenge: you had to (re)learn to manage your […]


Special COVID-19 – A review of hirings and dismissals – October 2021

Despite the fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Canadian job market continued to improve in September, which began four months ago. The economy created 157,000 jobs, reaching the level of February 2020. Statistics Canada’s most recent Labor Force Survey (LFS) shows an unemployment rate at 6.9%, up from 7.1% in August. On the other […]

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