Job advice


Temporary Work as a Way of Life – Testimonial

A decade ago, temporary work was considered as extra income for professionals seeking permanent employment. However, today it is for many workers an attractive way of life. Emmanuel Caron, financial planner, has chosen to be a contractor and has a hard time leaving this type of contract and giving up the many benefits that ensue. […]

Company life

Call Centre – Much More than Just a Telephone Operator!

There is a tendency to believe that call centre workers are condemned to talking on the phone in a depressing cubicled office. But actually, call centres offer a pleasant environment and many (and lucrative) career opportunities. “There has been a relatively negative image of call centres since the 1990s, but we have been trying to […]

Company life

5 Steps for Spring Cleaning at the Office

It’s not just at home that spring is a good time for organizing and housekeeping – at the office as well you can take advantage of these first rays of sunshine to put some order into your files and thereby gain efficiency. 5 steps to face April looking good. 1. Organize your workspace Some people […]

Not to be missed

How to Succeed on Your First Day in the Company?

While some people are excited about their first day on the job, others can be more nervous or even awkward. To give the best initial impression possible to your superior and new colleagues, look at the tips below and avoid putting yourself under unnecessary pressure, by reminding yourself that in the end your D-Day is […]

Jobs search

10 Tips to Make a Good First Impression

The first impression left with a potential employer can be decisive. Here are 10 tips to to avoid harming your entrance onto the stage, beyond the well-known “firm, but not too firm” handshake. The first impression is crucial Why is it important to make a good first impression? Because it lasts a long time and […]

Pay and benefits

What is Your Worth on the Job Market?

Many websites give the opportunity of learning our value on the job market. Can these tools help us negotiate a better salary? Yes, on condition of not being too financially greedy… Negotiating your salary is often very strategic – you have to know how to get the highest potential income, without losing your chances of […]

Jobs search

After Sending your CV, Should you Follow up?

Wait quietly for the recruiter’s call or go a step ahead of the news? Following up your application is often highly recommended, provided you do it right. Explanations and advice from an expert. According to Mélanie Hébert, employment consultant at Orienthèque, the first step is to check that your file has been received. “This confirmation […]

Career management

How to Transform a Temporary Assignment into a Permanent job?

Did you just land a temporary job? Now is the time to go into overdrive! By highlighting your skills and know-how, you will put all the odds in your favour to transform a temporary assignment into a permanent job. In 2016, 14% of salaried workers held a temporary job, according to the Institut de la statistique […]

Jobs search

Social Profiles have Become as Important as a CV

When seeking a job, having an online profile has become indispensable. Some recruiters even consider it as important as the resume itself. Is this the end of the traditional CV? “The biggest mistake a candidate can make is to not keep his online profile up to date,” says Michael O’Leary, regional director at Accountemps in […]

Company life

7 Tips to Manage your Stress at Work

Deadlines, pressure from managers, results to be achieved, difficult customers, colleagues with anxieties, difficult period for the company…  There are many stress factors at work and for the most part they are out of your control. But there are some that you can take action on and others that you can learn to put in […]

Not to be missed

Customer Service: The Art of not Taking it Personally

Call centre workers have to deal with angry people every day, with complaints about the company or a product. How do you keep calm and not let disparaging remarks affect you? “Even though anger drains us, we have to keep in mind that the customer is not against us but against the situation or the […]


How to Write a Good Approach Message for a Part-Time Job?

Are you interested in a part-time job? How do you write your covering letter and approach message to land the job? Should you explain your approach? Your obligations? First of all, remember that the CV and covering letter are not so much intended to get a job as to convince the employer to call you […]

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